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Is Your Organization Falling Behind?


Modern professionals are inundated with communication channels. From email to chat, to wikis, document repositories and more, the throughput is overwhelming.


AI cuts through the noise, allowing workers to find information quickly and make better decisions.

Training &  Development

Programs created by people are usually too advanced or too basic.  AI-driven career development programs are tailored for an individuals strengths and weaknesses.  


AI delivers exactly the right information in exactly the right format for maximum impact. 

Onboarding & SOPs

Onboarding and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are among the most insidious gaps in management. 


Costs are huge, but hard to measure, so most managers neglect the process. Even worse they impact down stream costs like turnover and recruitment.


AI can dynamically generate and update SOPs allowing managers to save time. 


Regulation and oversight are an increasingly important part of business continuity.  Compliance, however, is tedious and expensive. 


AI reduces data choke points and replaces repetitive work from documentation to filling out questionaires. 


Measuring and improving decision-making is complex because there are rarely clear metrics. 


As AI finds relationships and patterns that people cannot, leveraging AI to track decision-making is game changing. 


Probabilistic models also help to reduce human bias.

Performance Managment

​Human bias is perhaps most evident in performance management.  There is often no consensus on what constitutes good performance. 


Reviews are last-minute dashes and rewards become arbitrary.  


AI guided performance management reduces bias with actionable data and dynamic goal setting.

Survive or Thrive?

Helical is shaping the future of enterprise AI

In the short term, AI can provide enterprises significant advantages.


In the long term AI will be everywhere. Companies and people that adopt slowly will fade into irrelevance.


Starting now is a paramount to your survival. 


Like any other technology, AI is unlikely to replace the need for people.  


From agriculture to machines and computers, the history of technology is that it unleashes human potential.  

Decision support systems

Real-time analytics, pattern recognition and predictive analytics are only the beginning of human-machine symbiosis. 


Prescriptive analytics adds the power of simulations to business decisions on a scale never seen before. 


Although current AI models may be inaccurate on occasion, they improve accuracy in aggregate both today and in the future as technolgy advances.


As AI systems become more powerful the implications are both vast and unknown.  


Organizations will need to play a critical role in shaping the responsible use of this technology

Natural language

Complex tasks like programming are executable in natural language. Don't know how to do something? Just ask.

Helical Software is mission driven.

We aspire to be the absolute best in our industry.  We value directness and transparency coupled with empathy and kindness.  We believe in the power of positivity to transform ourselves and the world. The following are our foundational tenets. 

No one in the world is good at everything. The only way that we can succeed as an organization is to work well with others and co-create value.  


Doing the right things AND doing things right. We all make mistakes and we all suffer from lapses in judgment. The difference is making the changes once we realize where we can be better.


Understanding others, their perspectives and feelings helps us to share our own message. It builds trust, but most importantly it ensures that we are all aligned and working for the same goals.   


Playing it safe always guarantees a mediocre result. We encourage everyone to take calculated risks that have outsized rewards. 


We are in business to serve our customers, our shareholders and our people. We aim to leave a positive impact in the lives of every person we reach.


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